
Environmental Management

Environmental Management

In order to meet our responsibilities towards our families and wider society by establishing a safe, clean environment in accordance with Enpure's Values and the EHS guidelines, Enpure has established our Environmental Policy and our  Environmental Management System that meets the requirements of ISO 14001:2004

At Enpure Ltd we are committed to preventing pollution and looking for opportunities to reduce any negative impacts to the environment associated with our operations.

We aim to achieve this by working to consistent processes that form our Integrated Management System, and meet all relevant requirements of legislation and industry standards.

By establishing and reviewing key measures on our environmental impact we ensure that we ensure that we meet these objectives whilst continually looking for opportunities to improve the management system and so further minimise the potential to impact negatively on the environment.

Both engineering solutions offered and sourcing of suppliers takes into account the sustainability of our proposal and the impact on Enpure’s carbon footprint.

A copy of the environmental policy statement is available upon request. 

ISO Certification

BMTrada ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System (Certificate No: 273) 

Scope of certification:
Environmental Engineering including Consultancy and Contracting for the
Design and Construction of Water, Wastewater and Waste to Energy Works

Issue number: 2022-03
Certificate start date: 6 December 2022
Certificate expiry date: 30 June 2025